Written by Banana on Friday, January 07, 2005This blog is not porn, mature and adult blog. This blog provides a free collection of celebrity pictures and information relate on it. The pictures inside this blog are fool pictures, sexy-art pictures, scandal pictures and personal pictures of the artists.
Fool pictures: stupid behave of artist that codified by camera and become hot news in the crowed. Such as this pictures and this pictures.
Sexy-art pictures: great collections of artist that functionally for the public consumption in order to keep public awareness and keep the existence of the artist itself. Such as this and this.
Scandal pictures: scandal activities of the artist that recorded by camera. Such as this.
Personal pictures: general pictures collection of artist. Such as this and this.
So, Banana is Rock.Blogspot.com is not totally porn, mature and adult blog. This is a free collection of celebrity pictures.
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